Hey ho pretty friends of mine! We’re back with another On the Menu Monday. Since moving into our new place, we have stayed pretty busy. Each night when Keenan gets home from work we basically feed Andee, get her to bed, eat and then do things around the house. Unfortunately feeding ourselves is pretty low priority on the list. So this week I’ve opted to make a lot of easy, but comforting recipes.
Weekly Meal Plan Menu (8)We will be doing our typical pasta with hemp hearts plus shrimp following the recipe from *It All Beings with Food. And we’ll also do the shepherd’s pie from that cookbook. We were having that fairly regularly and for some reason I forgot all about it the last few weeks. It takes a bit of prep work to peel and cut the potatoes, but aside from that it’s a fairly easy meal.
I’ll also be making my mom’s spaghetti (if you just sang Lose Yourself by Eminem as you read that, know that you are my type of person) this week. This recipe was one of our staple meals growing up, and it quickly became my requested birthday meal each year. As I got older and started living on my own I continued to make this recipe for myself each birthday. It was a little tradition from home that always kept me smiling. Seeing that this time last year was the last normal week we had before COVID and I am unable to see my family back in North Carolina, I am really craving a sense of comfort. I think my mom is aware of how much her spaghetti recipe means to me – I mean I am known to send her random pictures of spaghetti on our birthday’s (they are a day apart) – but I hope she knows that I aim to share similar traditions with Andee. There’s just something about being a mom myself that makes me cherish all the little things my mom did for me and still does for me to this day. I promise I’m not PMSing y’all, I just really miss my family. 😉
I’d love to hear what food means to you and your family. Do you have any traditions? Drop a line below and let me know. Hope you have a fabulous week ahead of you!
Way to make your mama cry… over spaghetti! Lol. My all time favorite photo you sent was the spaghetti sushi combo. ❤🤣❤
Hahahaha I should have looked up the spaghetti sushi pic for this post!