The start of each new month is always a great time to reflect and prioritize for me. As I’ve mentioned a TON of times lately, we bought a house and spent all of last month renovating and moving. The last week or two of February brought about a lot of chaos, so it became hard to follow my goals for the month to a T. However, I am super excited for more normalcy now that we are somewhat settled in our new house and I’m ready to crush this months goals!
- Complete four workouts a week – If you know me well, you know that I live for a good high intensity workout. I love the feeling of really pushing myself both physically and mentally with HIT. Running is a different story for me, but something that I aim to get better at. I completed several 5k’s last month (wahoo!) with a bit of walking but mostly jogging. My best time was 45ish minutes. Since I was pushing Andee and running over icy patches, I’ll count that as a win. I do want to continue to improve in this category though, and eventually run the full 5k without any walking. Anyway, this month I want to strike up a balance of running and HIT, but also build in some rest. I know rest is key to recovery and progress, but it really is key for me. I have terrible joints and body aches (think two ACL reconstructive surgeries) and find that rest keeps my knees feeling good and healthy. So I will follow Cass Olholm‘s program on the Sweat App and continue with the Couch to 5k program I started last month through NHS Choices, but only 4 days a week total. Gotta rest them muscles, know what I’m sayin’?
- Get outside every day – One of my mom friends made it a goal for herself to get outside everyday with her baby last month. I really like that idea as fresh air is so good for you, and I love seeing Andee take in her surroundings when in a different environment. Plus I’m sure my dog would love to go for more walks even though our backyard is like his kingdom. Lol
- No fast food! – With a little one and moving like we did (think multiple trips a day from house to house for two weeks), fast food became a regular occurrence for all. three. meals. Like really, I had it for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Don’t worry if you just vomitted in your mouth a little at that – I just did too. I’m okay with still eating the occasional take out, but this month I’m sayin’ peace out to fast food! I’m sure my wallet and waistline will thank me later.
- Drink more water – Last month I aimed to drink three of my large water bottles a day. I found that worked really well for me, but I drank most of my water at night. This led to lots of night wakings to pee. Since I’m not about that life, I aim to still drink three bottles a day, but space them out more. So I will try for one around breakfast, lunch and dinner.
- Hug Keenan more – I spend so much time hugging and snuggling up to Andee that I sometimes forget that I use to do that with Keenan. We definitely keep each other feeling loved by voicing it, but we don’t really hug that often. And I gotta say, hugging Keenan is one of my favorite things. I didn’t realize how much I loved hugging him until I didn’t do it as much anymore. I’m really excited about this goal and I know Keenan will be too. 🙂
Let’s see how this month goes, y’all. It’s feeling like spring weather here in Calgary and I’m ready to kick some butt – are you?
Love love LOVE these goals! You are going to crush them!
Thanks mama!