Hey there lovelies, and welcome back to Warm Beer, Cold Coffee. I’ve got another On the Menu Monday to share with you, but it’s coming out a little later than usual. (Life, am I rite?) I was away this weekend for a bachelorette party, and had so much fun! Buuuttttt I am ready to get back to my baby and my bed. Is anyone else like that when traveling?
Weekly Meal Plan Menu (31)
Anywho, this week we are celebrating my father-in-law’s birthday. We are having Keenan’s siblings and their significant others over for dinner and are having pulled pork sandwiches. I am going to cook the pork in a slow cooker following a recipe from Smoke, Roots, Mountain Harvest. I’ve made it before, and found it to be super delicious. So I’ma be doin’ it again!
We recently got air conditioning installed, so I am excited to no longer have to schedule things I cook based off of the temperature outside. In the past we would cook meals that didn’t involve the stove or the oven if it was really hot out, but we’ve upgraded honey! This makes simple meals like frozen pizza, Jane’s fish sticks or grilled cheese super easy to have in our weekly rotations. I think it’s important to always have some easy meals like this because sometimes life it just too busy to commit to a more intensive meal. Plus I find that we don’t order take out as much if we have some low key meals ready to go at home. So yay for AC and some quick munchin’s!
Anyway, how was your weekend? Did you get up to anything fun and exciting? Let me know in the comments below. Happy day y’all!
Easy meals for the win and thank God for air conditioning! 🙂