Morning y’all and welcome back for another On the Menu Monday! We had a pretty chill weekend with some outside time each day in between thunder storms. If you recall from my June goals post, I aim to take Andee outside everyday. We typically go to the swings at least once a day during the week. And lemme tell ya, baby girl LIVES for her swing time! So we made sure to visit them several times this weekend with Dad too. ❤
As for myself… I had a successful run on Sunday that I would like to share with you all. I do most of my runs with Andee in her stroller. I obviously am slower pushing her because 1) I’m pushin’ a friggin’ stroller, 2) she occasionally gets fussy and needs a toy or snacks during the run and 3) it’s hard running on sidewalks as opposed to walking trails because I have to stop to carefully maneuver her stroller up and down the curbs.
So anyway, Sunday I went for a solo run following the route I normally do when I’m in the mood for a quick one. It ends up being 2.3 miles where I walk for 0.15 miles for a warm up, then run 2 miles, then finish with a 0.15 mile walk for a cool down. There was just something that made my feel extra determined yesterday and I wanted to push it a bit harder. I ended up finishing the actual 2 mile portion at 21 minutes and 53 seconds meaning I ran at a pace just under 11 minutes per mile. This is the fastest I have completed this run, and it left me super energized and pumped for the day. I typically don’t care too much about my time with running, though I tend to track my pace every time out of curiosity. I am super proud of myself and plan to push myself like this at times in the future.
Anyway, on to our regularly scheduled program… On the Menu Monday!
Weekly Meal Plan Menu (23)This week we are having lots of salads, some as main meals and some as sides. Sometimes we just do a packaged Caesar salad kit or we have several salads that we rotate through for our side salads. And we typically use butter lettuce for all the salads we make ourselves, but they didn’t have any at the grocery store this past weekend. So I ended up getting a box of mixed greens. We will use this for several side salads, the grilled chicken and raspberry salad and for the taco salad.
We made the grilled chicken and raspberry salad last week and mmhmmm was it good! We put cucumber, green onion, avocado, goat cheese, raspberries and of course grilled chicken on it with a homemade sweet vinaigrette. It was so yummy last week that we are making it again this week. We use chicken thighs as our preferred chicken instead of breasts as they stay much more moist and are just a whole heck of a lot better. So there’s a little “pro” tip for ya! 😉
As for the side salads, we basically have two different ones that are very similar that we rotate through. Keenan makes one with an apple, like ambrosia or pink lady, and shredded parmesan cheese with a homemade vinaigrette. I make a similar one with the same type of apple, but with goat cheese and a homemade sweet vinaigrette. So it’s basically the same salad with a few minor tweaks; it just depends on which one of us is making the salad that night. Lol!
I hope all this info gives you ideas to make some yummy meals at home. If you have any recipes you would like to share, please do so in the comments below. Thanks for reading and have a happy day, y’all!