Warm Beer, Cold Coffee

Motherhood | Lifestyle | Healthy Living

On the Menu Monday

On the Menu Monday

Morning y’all and welcome! I hope you had a lovely weekend. I was able to spend lots of quality time with my girl on Saturday and managed to do a long run on Sunday. I am excited for this week ahead as Keenan’s birthday is Friday!


Weekly Meal Plan Menu (18)


We failed to make shepherds pie following the recipe from *It All Begins with Food last week. So we are making it towards the beginning of the week this week. I have a few things left over in the fridge to eat for lunch, so this will make a great meal for Tuesday night and provide me with leftovers for a few days afterwards.

Also to help prepare for leftovers, we are having chicken noodle soup towards the end of the week. This will give us some lunch options for the weekend. I find easy leftovers to be so clutch while keeping busy with Andee.

Most of the time I make dinner, but Keenan will be making ramen for us this week. I have NO idea how to make ramen, so I will gladly hand the reigns over for this one. Lol

As per usual, we like to have an easy meal option in case we just don’t feel like cooking that day. This is where grilled cheese and tomato soup come into play.

And lastly, for Keenan’s birthday dinner. He has requested steak, warm potato salad and Caesar salad. I’m also going to be making him a southern red velvet birthday cake following this recipe. I even bought a little cake topper, but shhhhh – it’s a surprise. On Saturday Keenan’s brother and fiancĂ© are coming over to celebrate and watch a Toronto Maple Leafs game. Keenan is going to make his signature wings and I can. not. WAIT!

What are y’alls plans for the week? Anything exciting on the menu? Drop a note below and let me know. Happy day y’all!

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