Good morning and welcome back to Warm Beer, Cold Coffee! It’s been a hot minute since I have had the time or energy to write up a post. But I’m aiming to get back at it!
Weekly Meal Plan Menu (35)
As you all know from previous posts, we were super, super busy all of July and August. Then I started back work and Andee started day care in September annnnnddddd then we all got COVID. Because of all of this, we ordered take out a lot. I repeat A LOT! (Check the bomb a$$ chicken tendies in the pic above. 🤤) While I love having a fresh hot meal delivered to me, I’m ready to get back on the “cooking at home” grind.
This week we are having some easy meals like frozen pizza with salad and grilled cheese with tomato soup. I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again, having simple meals like this for those nights you really, REALLY don’t wanna cook has been clutch for us.
We are also mixing in a few meals following some of our favorite recipes: Chickpea curry* and Shepherds pie** from the book It All Begins with Food. And we are making chicken gyros*** in the crockpot following a recipe from The Easy 5-Ingredient Slow Cooker Cookbook. I have started making crockpot meals about once a week, and I am really enjoying it. So I am excited to give the gyros a try!
What do y’all have planned for the week? Any good recipes you wanna share?
As always, thanks for hoping on to read my post and happy day!